Architectural Committee

Article VIII of the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions provides for Architectural Control within the Stanley Forest Community, at Cardinal Station, to maintain property values and establishes an Architectural Committee. Currently, Board of Director members serve as Architectural Committee members, as needed. When using the Request for Architectural Improvement Form, the two neighbor reviews and signatures serve as two of the five Architectural Committee members.

Article IX of the By-Laws further defines the Architectural Committee, while the Architectural Committee Rules provide the current rule for preserving th architectural integrity of the community – and thus maintaining the value of our properties.

The current Architectural Committee Rules were revised in January 2019 to update our rules to current standards, laws, materials, and technologies & may be download here -> ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE RULES

As a Property Owner, if you want to change the appearance of your property with normal maintenance, or improvement, then you should review the community HOA documents including the Architectural Rules and then submit a REQUEST FOR ARCHITECTURAL IMPROVEMENT form. This form may be downloaded here -> REQUEST FOR ARCHITECTURAL IMPROVEMENT

The Architectural Rules note that maintaining our property values is a major rationale for enforcing our governing documents. As such, the Board Members and the Architectural Committee routinely canvas the community for obvious violations that reflect poorly on the maintenance of the neighborhood. The Architectural Rules additionally seeks your observations and input of violations that should be investigated and corrected. You may use the below form to report any issues you want the Board to investigate. Your input will be treated anonymously and are welcomed to help maintain our common interest community.

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